Lowongan Kerja Agustus 2013 di Bina Artha Sleman DIY
Sebuah lembaga keuangan mikro di Indonesia baru saja dimulai oleh Microventures, perusahaan investasi asing mengkhususkan diri dalam keuangan mikro. Kami memberikan pendanaan untuk klien berpendapatan rendah di seluruh Jawa dan tumbuh dengan cepat menjadi salah satu institusi pembiayaan mikro yang terbaik di Indonesia.
Lowongan Kerja Agustus 2013 di Bina Artha
Branch Manager
Sleman DIY
- Perform surveys at district and village levels;
- To disseminate to the sub-village, RT, RW and directly to prospective partners;
- Approve their collection;
- Manage schedule deposit / weekly meetings;
- Monitor the performance of RO, SO and administration and cashier, and evaluating the performance of the RO, SO and admin &kasir;
- Provide information approximate realization one day next week to the Central Office (KP) on Friday morning (depending on MIS systems);
- Provide information on the number of partners and financing needs of the real per day to KP at least 2 days prior to disbursement (depending on MIS systems);
- Check and sign the Partner Eligibility Test (SME), Business Inspection (PU) and submission of application forms of financing;
- Conduct periodic monitoring to all sets (in any 3 month all set already monitored);
- Resolve the outstanding issues and the partners or jammed;
- Make a visit to all home / business partner potential partner group endorsement before the test is done;
- Check the validity of the document filing requirements of funding partners (KTP, KK, marriage certificate, letter of moving and other related documents);
- Make deposits and withdraw money and to the realization of the Bank;
- Checking the Installment Payment Sheet (LPA), and withdrawals responsibility;
- Leading the finance committee;
- Check all needed files in the process of disbursement of financing;
- Make monthly reports of branches (depending on availability MIS);
- Perform week meetings branch;
- Attending a coordination meeting with area, regional and head office;
- Mentoring of new staff;
- To make sure transfer process (hand-over) partners carried out correctly and completely;
- Life insurance claims processing partner;
- RO and replace the task or SO at the time was unable to attend, and
- Propose funding ceiling to -2 and so on to the Area Sales Manager.
- Minimal D3 dan pendidikan yang sama atau lebih tinggi;
- Min 3 tahun pengalaman dalam pembiayaan mikro;
- Usia berkisar antara 25-35 tahun;
- Mampu berkomunikasi dengan baik;
- Punya kemampuan menjalin hubungan baik dengan pihak-pihak terkait baik internal maupun eksternal;
- Berorientasi hasil;
- Memiliki transportasi dan SIM (SIM);
- Memiliki kemampuan untuk berinteraksi baik dengan ibu di pedesaan, dan
- Bersedia ditempatkan di kota-kota kabupaten di Jawa Barat.