Lowongan Baru di Kalimantan Timur September 2013
PT Reksa Rekatama usaha yang dilakukan dalam penggalian, perkebunan, alat berat, bangunan dan jasa penggalian. Sejalan dengan pengembangan perusahaan, kami mencari kandidat yang terlatih dan berdedikasi, diandalkan, setia dan berjanj untuk memajukan dan berkembang bersama kami. Adapun lowongan kerja terbaru yang tersedia yaitu:Manager Proyek LC (Land Clearing)
Kalimantan Timur
Job description:
- Land clearing, it includes budget and organizing a team to achieve the target of forest clearance and targeted investment by firms
- To monitor, evaluate and report on field work.
- Synergistic relationship with the community and local residents.
- Understand the operating system unit excavator, bulldozer etc.
- Able to handle clearing areas of peat swamp.
- Man 30-45 Years
- Understand Operating Heavy Equipment
- Minimum 5 years experience in the field
- Having knowledge about Land Clearing and able to read maps, satellite imagery
- Can a report relating to land clearing operations, both mandatory reports (daily, weekly, and monthly) in a timely manner
- Understand and technical understanding of oil palm plantation land clearing, especially wetlands.
- Have good administration skills and can operate using GPS and GIS software or the like as well as master the Microsoft Office applications (Excel, Word, Powerpoint, etc).
- Can communicate, nurture and provide advice to the workforce under his responsibility and be able to manage under pressure
- Honest, conscientious, and highly motivated and creative minded with a strong drive to succeed is a must
- Can carry out maintenance, use and existence of the company's inventory.
- Willing to be placed in Gusik Estuary, East Kalimantan.
Jika Saudara tertarik dengan Lowongan Kerja Kaltim September 2013 tersebut, kirim resume ke (freddy@reksarekatama.co.id)
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